How to Pick the “Right” Boss

I have lifted the following words from a recent Harvard Business Review article. It scratched an itch for me, given the long string of great bosses I had in my business career. A long string that was marred by one terrible boss.  There is therefore no question in my mind that one of the greatest predictors of happiness at work is one’s relationship with “the boss.”  I have lived that statement.

Students coming out of our MBA Program at UW have, by and large, never had a boss. They go from their undergraduate degree straight into the MBA program.  They tend to look upon rigorous graduate classes as a proxy for a tough boss. Not so.

It can be hard to assess whether you and your prospective boss are the right fit. Especially since in an interview you’re working hard to demonstrate why she should hire you. But it’s important to evaluate her as well!  What sorts of questions should you ask to understand her management style?  Should you try to talk with other people she manages? Are there red flags you should watch out for?

What the Experts Say

“The primary reason people leave a job is because of either a mismatch in culture or a boss who drives them up the wall,” says John Lees, author of How To Get a Job You Love.  My one experience with a terrible boss proved the rule: I left Microsoft shortly after my one and only run-in with “Michael” and decided after 25 years, I didn’t need to put up with such crap.

Of course, you’ll never know exactly what it will be like to work for your potential boss until you have the job — and in some cases you might not even meet your manager until your first day — but you should gather as much information as possible in advance. And it’s not just negative impressions or red flags you should be on the lookout for.  “You must understand the person as she is,” says Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, a senior adviser at global executive search firm Egon Zehnder and author of It’s Not the How or the What but the Who.  “Failing to realize someone is a terrific boss is a very costly mistake, perhaps even more costly than failing to realize someone is a bad boss,” he says.  Terrific jobs — and managers — are hard to find.  Read on for tips on how to discern between the good managers and the bad.

Know what you’re looking for

The first step is to do some thinking about what you want and don’t want in a boss.  According to Fernández-Aráoz, there are three minimal conditions that must be met.  Is this an honest person, offering you a sustainable job for which you have something unique to contribute?  You might also spend some time visualizing the kind of relationship you want.  Are you looking for someone who will stand back and let you run with your work?  Or are you hoping for someone who can be an involved mentor?  This will give you some criteria against which to evaluate your potential manager when you’re in the interview.

Trust your instincts

It’s also important to check in with yourself throughout the process.  Being laser-focused on getting the job can sometimes cloud your judgment.  After each step, ask yourself whether this is the job you want and the manager you want to work for.  Did you get a good feeling from the person?  Is she someone you can imagine going to with problems?  Or someone you could have a difficult conversation with?  When the stakes are high, it’s best to trust yourself.  “Usually people say something like, ‘I should have known,’ because there are those small things that lead to a gut feeling we often ignore,” says Lees.

Be on the lookout for clues in the way you’re treated by your potential manager.  Of course, he doesn’t have total control over the process (likely HR runs it), but observe how you’re handled as a candidate, from the quality of the information the manager gives you to the way he looks after you when you arrive for the interview.

Ask questions, but tread lightly

You can often get a sense of your potential manager by asking probing questions, but be careful how you phrase them.  “People say an interview is a two-way process,” Lees says.  “In practice, that doesn’t work very well.”  The interviewer might misinterpret multiple questions about his management approach as disinterest in the job.  Fernández-Aráoz agrees: “What you should not do is ask direct questions, like ‘Tell me about your leadership style,’” he says.  Not only could this signal hesitancy on your part, but it’s unlikely to get you an honest answer, because your interviewer is in selling mode.  Instead, ask questions that will help your potential manager visualize you actually doing the job.  “What will I do on a day-to-day basis?”  “How will I learn?”  Phrasing your questions as if you already have the job will help the hiring manager create a mental picture of you in the role.

At the same time, you can watch how she responds.  “Look for her willingness to engage in dialogue, rather than asking you pre-established questions,” says Fernández-Aráoz.  “Think of it like rehearsing a collaborative working session with your future boss. ” If she’s willing to engage with you during the interview, she’ll likely engage with you in a working relationship.  After (and only after) you’ve built rapport, ask questions that will elicit her expectations for the person filling the position, and any potential downsides of the job.

Do your homework

One of the greatest mistakes you can make is failing to do your due diligence.  Don’t go into a job with your eyes closed.  “It can be a shock to people. They find out the culture is too formal, or pressurized, or there’s too much solitude for their taste,” Lees explains.  “You should know that before committing.”  Prepare for the interview by gathering as much intel as you can.  “You might find information that raises red flags, or information about the interviewer’s interests, which will allow you connect with the other person,” says Fernández-Aráoz.

Do a Google search on your potential manager.  Check out his online profiles, as well as those of people who used to work for him.  “LinkedIn profiles can tell you a lot about a person’s interests and relationships,” says Fernández-Aráoz.  Do people under him tend to leave the organization quickly or stay a long time?  “Low retention and high turnover rates are a clear indicator of problems,” says Lees.  If you find people who have left, try reaching out to them and ask what it was like to work for that manager.  You’d be surprised how many people are willing to respond to inquiries and share their experiences working for a manager, particularly if they had an especially positive — or negative — experience.

Meet the colleagues

“Perhaps the best approach is to ask to get to know a few of your future colleagues,” says Fernández-Aráoz.  Talk with people who would share the same boss and ask what it’s like to work for her — both what they enjoy and what they find challenging.  Don’t insist beyond what is appropriate, however.  There may be reasons, like confidentiality, that prevent such conversations.

After you’re offered a position, ask to spend a half-day with the company and your future team.  “Chatting about what work is like brings about huge amounts of incidental information,” says Lees.  The hiring manager is likely to see it as a sign of commitment and motivation, and you’ll get the chance to interact with your colleagues and get a feel for the day-to-day environment and how your potential boss influences it.

Principles to Remember


  • Pay attention to how the manager treats you throughout the interview process
  • Research the manager, and if possible find former employees to ask for their perspective
  • Request to spend a half-day at the organization so you can interact with your potential colleagues and boss


  • Ignore your gut instincts about the manager as you go through the interview process
  • Ask direct questions about leadership style — you’re unlikely to get an honest answer, and they might signal that you don’t want the job
  • Neglect to look up your potential boss’s social media profiles


Case Study #1: Don’t ignore the red flags

In 2010, Joe Franzen was searching for a position as a software developer. He went through several interviews for two different positions with a large health care company.  During a one-on-one interview, he noticed his potential manager read from a list of prewritten questions.  “Software development is anything but standard. When your potential manager reads from a list of standardized questions, it sends a signal the work will be treated the same way,” Joe said.  Later on in the interview process, Joe also noticed the manager and other panel members, including several other people higher in the chain of command, tried to assert dominance over him throughout the interview.  The panel members asked questions that began with “When you’re told” or “When your manager tells you,” which gave Joe the impression he would be an expendable resource at best.  “It’s a creative role; there’s a need for structure, but you don’t want to be looked down upon,” he said.

  • Joe took the position when it was offered and soon discovered that he should’ve paid more attention to those red flags. It turned out to be one of the most mundane positions he ever held. “It was cubicle work, I wasn’t challenged, and I wasn’t happy,” he said.
  • The experience led him to quit and create his own company. Now on the other side of the fence, he creates a relaxed, conversational atmosphere and engages in a two-way dialogue to make sure candidates know exactly what kind of manager he’ll be.

Case Study #2: Do your homework

Stephanie Jones (not her real name) was looking for a new job after spending two years out of the workforce to be with her newborn.  She wanted to work in an entirely new field for her: social media.  She hadn’t been searching for very long when she found the perfect opportunity with a national marketing company.

  • At the end of her first interview, she felt uneasy. Although she had performed well, her potential boss hadn’t answered an important question.  “When I asked him about the previous person in the position, he glossed over his response,” says Stephanie.  “I brushed it off because the next day I was offered a second interview.”
  • The second interview went off without any red flags, but afterward Stephanie decided to do some research. She searched for employees of the company using LinkedIn.  After a little digging, she noticed a couple of former employees had short tenures in the same department she was hoping to work in.  Stephanie sent messages to all three, and one of them responded.  “It turns out this manager was a nightmare to work for,” she says.  “Although he was hard on everyone in general, he had a tendency to be harder on women than men.”

When a company representative called to offer her the job a week later, she had to decline. Although it was a hard decision, it paid off. “I now do contract work for the same company. I’ve been working with the company for about three years now, and in that time, the position I initially applied for has been vacated and filled at least once a year,” she says.

Posted in General Musings | 1 Comment

Hope and Change: The 2020 Edition

This appeared in today’s City Journal and has been sent around via Twitter. It captures my thinking during these stupid times. It was written by Glenn Loury, the Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences in the Department of Economics at Brown University. I will be posting this to my Blog before (a) my blog is taken down for not being “woke” enough (yes, apparently hosting services are now going around and checking), (b) it is censored by the Gods of Twitter and lost forever, and (c) my voice, come November, is completely drowned out (I am gasping for air as it is). At present, I am disgusted by what is happening in my country.

No, wait. I must admit that my sense now is that it is no longer “my” country as I might have otherwise defined it, as an abiding sense of common purpose and project. I feel absolutely no affinity with at least half the populace who are now fully in favor of dismantling a system that was the only hope for the world. I carry no common cause with the placard-carrying “protesters” even here in Little Old Laramie, much less the rioters in the bigger cities. I cannot comprehend the building rhetoric around “defunding the police” that (not surprisingly) Hillary Clinton and others have co-opted. I am beyond flummoxed that a mere utterance of “all lives matter” would get me shunned, if not unemployed (witness the NBC Sportscaster who suffered that fate). I have witnessed an addled citizenry of sheeple who blithely gave up their civil liberties in the face of a bad cold (COVID19).

No, this is not the country I grew up in.

So here it is. He wrote …

Last week, in the aftermath of the national fury that has erupted, and continues, over the apparent killing by a Minneapolis police officer of a black man, George Floyd, while he was being taken into custody, a letter appeared in my inbox from Christina H. Paxson, president of Brown University, where I teach. The letter, sent to thousands of students, staff, and faculty, was cosigned by many of Brown’s senior administrators and deans.

We write to you today as leaders of this university,” the letter begins, “to express first deep sadness, but also anger, regarding the racist incidents that continue to cut short the lives of black people every day.

It continues:

The sadness comes from knowing that this is not a mere moment for our country. This is historical, lasting and persistent. Structures of power, deep-rooted histories of oppression, as well as prejudice, outright bigotry and hate, directly and personally affect the lives of millions of people in this nation every minute and every hour. Black people continue to live in fear for themselves, their children and their communities, at times in fear of the very systems and structures that are supposed to be in place to ensure safety and justice.

I found the letter deeply disturbing, and was moved to compose the following response, which I shared with a colleague. I’m happy now to share it as well with City Journal’s readership.

Dear ____:

I was disturbed by the letter from Brown’s senior administration. It was obviously the product of a committee—Professors XX and YY, or someone of similar sensibility, wrote a manifesto, to which the president and senior administrative leadership have dutifully affixed their names.

I wondered why such a proclamation was necessary. Either it affirmed platitudes to which we can all subscribe, or, more menacingly, it asserted controversial and arguable positions as though they were axiomatic certainties. It trafficked in the social-justice warriors’ pedantic language and sophomoric nostrums. It invoked “race” gratuitously and unreflectively at every turn. It often presumed what remains to be established. It often elided pertinent differences between the many instances cited. It read in part like a loyalty oath. It declares in every paragraph: “We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident.”

And just what truths are these? Well, the main one is this, that racial domination and “white supremacy” define our national existence even now, a century and a half after the end of slavery.

I deeply resented the letter. First of all, what makes an administrator (even a highly paid one, with an exalted title) a “leader” of this university? We, the faculty, are the only “leaders” worthy of mention when it comes to the realm of ideas. Who cares what some paper-pushing apparatchik thinks? It’s all a bit creepy and unsettling.

Why must this university’s senior administration declare, on behalf of the institution as a whole and with one voice, that they unanimously—without any subtle differences of emphasis or nuance—interpret contentious current events through a single lens?

They write sentences such as this: “We have been here before, and in fact have never left.”

Really? This is nothing but propaganda. Is it supposed to be self-evident that every death of an “unarmed black man” at the hands of a white person tells the same story?

They speak of “deep-rooted systems of oppression; legacies of hate.” No elaboration required here? No specification of where Brown might stand within such a system? No nuance or complexity?

Is it obvious that “hate”—as opposed to incompetence, or fear, or cruelty, or poor training, or lack of accountability, or a brutal police culture, or panic, or malfeasance—is what we observed in Minneapolis?

We are called upon to “effect change.” Change from what to what, exactly?

Evidently, we’re now all charged to promote the policy agenda of the “progressive” wing of American politics*. Is this what a university is supposed to be doing?

[Russo Note: what he is saying here is simply that, come November, we must “change” out from a Republican President to a Democrat. In other words, Brown University is now “in the tank” for a Dem President. Well, we went through “hope and change” with Obama (a black man) for 8 years. What “change” did he effect?]

I must object. This is no reasoned ethical reflection. Rather, it is indoctrination, virtue-signaling, and the transparent currying of favor with our charges (read: students, who might otherwise burn down building). The roster of Brown’s “leaders” who in lockstep signed this manifesto remind me of a Soviet Politburo making some party-line declaration. I can only assume that the point here is to forestall any student protests by declaring the university to be on the Right Side of History.

What I found most alarming, though, is that no voice was given to what one might have thought would be a university’s principal intellectual contribution to the national debate at this critical moment: namely, to affirm the primacy of reason over violence in calibrating our reactions to the supposed “oppression.”

Equally troubling were our president’s promises to focus the university’s instructional and research resources on “fighting for social justice” around the world, without any mention of the problematic and ambiguous character of those movements which, over the past two centuries or more, have self-consciously defined themselves in just such terms—from the French and Russian Revolutions through the upheavals of the 1960s.

My bottom line: I’m offended by the letter. It frightens, saddens, and angers me.





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Musings on The Art of Journaling in a COVID19 World – Success as a Function of Documented Failure

I have been absent from my blog for over a month, principally because the shift from face-to-face teaching to online instruction sapped so much of my time. I’m sure we all have stories to tell about how The China Virus has impacted our lives. Here in Wyoming, the impact has been what you might expect: minimal.  While stores were closed (except for Walmart, of course) and we could not get our hair cut (Cindy did mine after a time), life pretty much carried on as normal. The cold winter turned to spring and, like someone threw a switch, we had clear skies and warm temperatures. Time for gardening.

But also a time to reflect upon the importance of journaling. This “crisis” (and it seems we go from crisis to crisis, don’t we?) reminds us that history is not over. Not by a long shot. And history is often best told by individuals writing in their dairies and journals.

Perhaps more than that, is the idea that success is often the result of “documented failure.”

By this I mean that failure, once properly understood and documented in your notes is likely not to be repeated.

If we define success as the absence of failure (and I am not signing up for that just yet), then your notes, your diary, your journal entries, can be the perfect place to set down a reminder of what went wrong. Later, in quieter times, you will learn then to document all that went right and why.

Are you able to sit quietly and reflect?

The French philosopher Blaise Pascal pointed out that, “all of humanity’s problems come from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” He did not mean sitting quietly in front of a laptop responding to emails, by the way. No, he meant sitting alone, in a quiet place, and making room for “structured reflection.”

The very best way to engage in structured reflection is by keeping a journal.

I have kept journals for most of my life. Even as a child I was encouraged to keep notes. For example, I still have the journals I kept about my first car, a 1966 Ford Mustang. I wrote about what went wrong, what was going right, the mileage, the oil changes, the little things I did to prolong its life. For example, I know that it turned 100,000 miles during a cross-country road trip in the Canadian Rockies. I kept journals in my undergraduate years (sadly, many of those were lost) and then in various management roles. I can look back on them, with the fulness of time, and wonder “what was I so worried about? It all turned out ok.”

To that end, consider the research that is showing how replaying events in our minds is essential to learning. While the brain record and holds what takes place in the moment, the learning from what one has gone through happens after the fact during periods of quiet reflection. And in those times you can ask yourself, “what was important and what lessons can I draw?”

Management 101

When we slow things down and reflect, we can be more creative about solving seemingly inscrutable problems. In the management literature, there is something call the “second solution method.” Here’s what it entails: If a group of employees is struggling to come up with solutions to a tough problem, brainstorm with them and identify a list of possible solutions (no matter how “far out there” they may be). Then, take a break. A quiet break.

Upon returning ask, “what else occurs to you?” Inevitably, this simple question results in 50% more solutions, often of even higher quality!

A journal, ladies and gentlemen, is an effective, efficient, private way to take a similar break.

Some thoughts about how and what to record: 

  • Your journal should be a record not only of what happened, but how you reacted emotionally. Writing things down brings clarity, and puts everything into perspective.
  • I highly recommend using a writing prompt. For example, I will often prompt myself into journaling by asking, “what things happened today that will matter in 100 years?” Often the answer is “nothing,” and I will say so, but then go on to talk about everything else.
  • Think of journaling as a kind of “mental rehearsal” for what is about to happen in your life. Script out what you might say and what might be said to you. Diaries are great places to think through those BHAGs of life (big and hairy, audacious goals). Test your logic.
  • Journal as quickly as you can. Capture those “in the moment” emotions and logic. Waiting more than 24 hours will mean lost details and fuzzy emotions.
  • In each entry, ask “why” five times. Answer each why and think of the next why as a kind of Socratic peeling of the onion.
  • Be sure to record the lessons learned. Always. What would you do again, not do again, and why?
  • Avoid using an iPad or a PC-based journaling application. Why? Because they don’t slow you down. Besides which, we know that handwriting  results in far better comprehension and clarity. Remember what Paul Theroux has said: “The speed with which I write with pen and paper seems to be the speed with which my imagination finds the best words.” Research seems to confirm this: Brain scans show that handwriting engages more sections of the brain than typing and it’s easier to remember something once you’re written it down on paper.” If you must use an app, then be sure to slow down.
  • Never be afraid to relive something you’d rather just forget. It may be unpleasant, but I guarantee it will bring clarity.

Journaling during this COVID Crisis creates a contemporary record. It will be something that outlives you. It will become, in a word, history.

Try it.

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Protecting Your Brand: What the Chinese Communists have Discovered (NOT)

The Chinese government has sought to influence news sites around the globe that the COVID19 virus is decidedly not of Chinese origins.  They are clearly afraid of the damage being done to their “brand.”

Let’s face it: a brand, once diminished can take years to recover. No one understands that more than the Chinese government.  Turns out, Commies are often the best marketers there are. Bernie Sanders anyone?

Brands, however, are the cumulative positive reputation built over years of consistent (not perfect, just consistent) delivery of what is expected.  To wit, McDonald’s is successful because virtually every time you order a Big Mac, it is virtually always of the same construction, taste, look, and feel. Coca Cola too.  An Apple product. Read about Suzuki’s problems from years ago, or Audi’s.  I could go on.

Like Audi, Suzuki, Coke, and others, solid brands are quick to fall on their swords when problems arise.  Case in point: The Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.  Ryder Truck Rentals, whose once-ubiquitous “yellow trucks” could be seen on every street and highway in the land, was sadly the delivery vehicle for mass destruction. They were no more responsible for that horror than I was.  But the yellow truck became synonymous with it in short order. What did Ryder do? Instead of blathering on about innocence and coincidence, they changed the color of their trucks.

Or “New Coke” from the 1980s. Once it was clear that “new” Coke was a failure, the Coca Cola Company dropped it like a hot-potato and moved on. They didn’t flap their gums about unfairness and hurt feelings.

But not the Chicoms. They want to somehow convince the world that their brand is still intact, despite the existence of so-called “wet markets” and utterly filthy inner-cities (I have been there. I know).  And I am surprised that something like the China Virus hasn’t popped up before this. Maybe it has, for along with being great marketers, the Chinese Communists are delightfully good at repression.

Anyway, they took issue with a recent article in the Daily Telegraph. What follows is the Telegraph’s response. I loved it!

Beijing Officially Disapproves

By Tim Blair, The Daily Telegraph

April 4, 2020

The Daily Telegraph this week received a letter from the Australian Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China, who took issue with our excellent coverage of the coronavirus crisis.

What follows is a point-by-point response to the Consulate General and China’s communist dictatorship (Editor’s Note: the Chinese Consulate’s critiques are indented and italicized):

The Chicoms begin with this:

Recently the Daily Telegraph has published a number of reports and opinions about China’s response to COVID-19 that are full of ignorance, prejudice and arrogance.

The Telegraph begins their responses with this:  If a state-owned newspaper in China received this kind of complaint, subsequent days would involve journalists waking up in prison with their organs harvested.

Tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific issue that requires professional, science-based assessment.

Sure it does.  How “professional- and science-based” was the claim published on March 12 by China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian that “it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan”?

The origin of the virus is still undetermined, and the World Health Organization has named the novel coronavirus “COVID-19.”

The World Health Organization also appointed Zimbabwean murderer Robert Mugabe as its “Goodwill Ambassador” and declared on March 2 that the “stigma” of the coronavirus “is more dangerous than the virus itself.”  The World Health Organization does a lot of stupid stuff.

So what is the real motive behind your attempt to repeatedly link the virus to China and even stating that the novel coronavirus was “Made in China”?

Our motive is accuracy. That’s why we don’t say that it was “Made in Panama.”

The people of Wuhan made a huge effort and personal sacrifice to stop the spread of the epidemic.

Yep. Wuhan’s Dr Li Wenliang indeed made a huge effort to warn people about the coronavirus outbreak.  Then, as The New York Times reported, “In early January, he was called in by both medical officials and the police, and forced to sign a statement denouncing his warning as an unfounded and illegal rumor.”  And now he’s dead, so that was a “personal sacrifice” covered as well. (See below for more about “denunciation statements”).

Nevertheless, in order to capture attention and gain more internet hits, you called Wuhan the “Zombieland” and Wuhan seafood market the “bat market.” How low can you go?

Bat is a word. Bat is an animal.  In Wuhan, it’s the name of a restaurant.

The effectiveness of China’s epidemic prevention and control has fully underlined the people-centered philosophy of the Communist Party of China and the strong advantages of the Chinese system.

In 2018, Amnesty International reported that China executed more citizens than the rest of the world combined. Please tell us more about your “people-centered philosophy” and how many bullets it requires.

Instead of admitting and facing facts, the articles in your newspaper have wantonly attacked and smeared the CPC and the Chinese government with vicious language.

And yet we haven’t been jailed or shot! By golly, where’s the justice in that?

Is your judgement based on the well-being of the people or do you have an ideological prejudice?

We will admit to an ideological prejudice against deadly tyranny. It’s a tragic failing on our part.

Since 3 January, China has been updating the WHO and the international community in a timely and transparent manner.

Really? On January 14, following 11 days of “timely and transparent” updates, the WHO broadcast this ridiculous Chinese misinformation, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus.”  Really? Come on.

The epidemic is spreading rapidly around the globe, and China is doing its utmost to support other severely affected countries.

Thousands of Chinese-made coronavirus testing kits and medical masks exported to Spain, Turkey and the Netherlands turned out to be “below standard or defective,” according to the BBC.  And the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC) this week reported that more than 800,000 masks have been seized by Australian Border Force officers after the masks were “found to be counterfeit or otherwise faulty.” Thanks for all your help, guys.

Virus respects no borders.

Why, then, did China close its own borders on March 28 – even while claiming victory over the spread of coronavirus?

You have repeatedly questioned the WHO’s positive assessment of China’s epidemic prevention and control, but surely you know that the WHO is the most authoritative international organization in global public health, with more than 190 members including Australia?

Keep an eye on that number, sunshine. [Editor’s Note: I do hope that the US withdraws from this absolutely useless organization. Just today, several US Senators called for the resignation of WHO’s CEO.]

In disregard of the authoritative information provided by China and the WHO’s professional opinions, you instead quoted several so-called “strategic analysts…”  Were you aware that the institution where these people work have been exposed as long accepting financial support from the US government … ?

The US last year contributed nearly $900 million to the sacred WHO. Your point, sir?

Your recent coverage on the epidemic in China are exaggerated, full of irresponsible rumors and highly politicized.

Naughty us.  Please send an official Dr Li Wenliang “unfounded and illegal rumor denunciation statement” so we can sign it and be on our way.

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For Every Bad, There is a Worse

My mother who is now 91 years of age came of age during the tail end of the Great Depression. We have much to learn from her and others of the Greatest Generation. If this COVID19 thing persists, I have no doubt but what we will have “socially distanced” ourselves into another Great Depression, perhaps even worse than the last one.  It is entirely possible.  Economies just don’t shut down for two or three months without consequence.

So, I asked her and some of her friends for some tips, some ideas on what it will take to get through the next one. Here’s a review of those ideas:

  1. “Waste not, want not.” This came up time and time again. My mother remembers her mom and dad taking in boarders, often filling the house with more than 3 families. Plenty of kids had what she called “sticky fingers.” In other words, plenty of have-nots eyeing the haves. Consequently, she learned early on to not leave stuff laying around, and to use and then re-use what she did have. In many ways, members of her generation were the true environmentalists. Trash heaps were combed over for useful scraps of metal and wood. And, they threw precious little back into the heap. I suppose we should heed this advice now; but still I wonder “why now?” when resourcefulness and squeezing every last ounce out of everything we pay for ought to be the rule.
  2. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Roosevelt’s words resonated at a visceral level for the children, the adolescents, but especially the adults of the Great Depression. That certain feeling of despair could surely have been on everyone’s minds. But he managed to remind people that sitting around waiting to die was hardly the right way to respond, and certainly not the American Way. Instead, he implored Americans to remember, at base, that the American economy is made up of hard working people anxious to do just that: WORK. Find something to do. We are coming into summer. There are plenty of things to do.
  3. “Have a Garden!” Another one of those pearls that came up over and over again. Whether it was a backyard raised bed, or an urban subsistence garden, or the community patch, people in the Great Depression grew their own foods. By some accounts, one city in the Midwest by the mid-1930s had something like 25,000 gardens. It isn’t that hard. As Michael Bloomberg sarcastically said, “all a farmer has to do is throw some seeds down and water them.” Of course, it is WAY more than that, but the point is that self-reliance is a virtue. We all have it in us.
  4. “Pay cash.” Actually, what they said worked for them in the Great Depression was to avoid debt. Not that there was much credit to be had. But the smart ones avoided debt. And they worked the barter system like nobody’s business.  They traded, they were wheelers and dealers. And to this day they have avoided credit cards.
  5. “Relocate, if you must.” My mother and her family moved several times in the 1930s. They moved to where the jobs were. We need to think the same way. Some parts of the country will fare better than others. Be prepared. Again, self-reliance.
  6. “Know the power of positive thinking.” Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was conceived of and, shall we say, gestated, during the Great Depression. I suspect much of what he wrote came from what he learned in much the same way that I have, by talking to “survivors.” The point is that positive thinking is its own reward. Even without work, with but scraps of bread to eat, if one can remain positive then one can rise above. And then to do that with others, in community, will ennoble all of us.
  7. “Be a saver, not a spender, and learn how to shop.” This goes back to what I gathered for No. 4 above, but it is different. It embodies the whole process of thinking ahead, of preparing and then shopping for the best deal you can get. Leave no stone un-turned in the hunt for a better deal. Know the prices of things. Comparison shop. Window shop and dream, but then put a plan to that dream.
  8. “Think of ways to make money.” Whether it be mowing lawns or, from my mother’s memories of the farmers of wind-swept Nebraska and South Dakota, learning how to grow a new crop or to start a business on the side, there are endless ways to make money. And since cash is king, take only cash. Know your talents and how they might be “scaled” into other opportunities. Put simply: THINK.
  9. “Keep the family and the community together.” My mom can distinctly remember the days when her dad, my grandpa, didn’t have enough money for groceries. And how the local grocer extended short-term credit, knowing all the while that my granddad was anything but lazy. You see, they lived in a community and they knew each other. And later, when the tide was turned, my granddad was quick to reward the grocer with extra business. We see that now, during the COVID19 lock-downs, how people are tipping the delivery boy extra because they know him and know that this business might be all he has today. Teach your family members those values. Be kind to your local community.
  10. Relating to No. 6 above, “Even though I knew I could lose everything, I wasn’t afraid,” she said. Fear wasn’t useful. Yes, it had its evolutionary roots – fear can keep us alive – but taken to an extreme, fear will only hobble us and get in the way of all the above Be not afraid.

As the great Thomas Hardy once wrote…

“and yet, to every bad there is a worse.”

Posted in General Musings, Normal Vincent Peale, Positive Mental Attitude, State of the Nation | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Corona Virus (the “China Virus”) – Socialism’s Best Marketing Plan to Date

As I watch from the sidelines the gridiron back and forth on all-things-Corona, I am reminded that we are beyond the apex of “government owes me everything” -type thinking. It is now embedded in the genes of our youth. Players on the field seem downright pissed off that our government didn’t stress hand-washing before all this living hell broke out, that it didn’t have millions of test kits at the ready, that it hasn’t moved fast enough to ensure RV’s in Walmart parking lots or drive-thru testing at your local Walgreens. It’s almost as if we have forgotten that the world is made up of 7 billion individuals, and not just a series of powerful state institutions. The triumph of the Nanny State writ large.

This of course plays right into the Socialists’ hands. Indeed, the China Virus is a marketing plan that they didn’t think of but are goddamned glad came along.

In the Socialist’s mind, nothing is greater, more omnipotent, more plenipotentiary than the State™.  (I think that The Bern is similarly trademarked). Not even a god, or to my mind, The God. Nothing. And to the extent that Socialism lives what it preaches, nothing is great than the individual. Nothing. Not even God.

The trouble has been and will continue to be the diminution of the individual inside of the Socialist State. These idiots, these “useful idiots” we call Berners, or “The Squad” (AOC, et. al.), don’t get it and never will. They are sucked in by the promise of a worker’s paradise. Like work has ever been, and never will be, anything other than “work.” It is spelled w-o-r-k and not p-l-a-y. They don’t get, largely because they haven’t been taught history, that they will become slaves to the State™.

I’d rather be a slave to my God.

This paragraph from a recent National Review article sums up my thinking:

Religion not only offers answers to the most powerful, definitive, and ultimate questions of human existence and purpose. It anchors individuals in a particular authoritative tradition defined by doctrinal orthodoxy and refined through multi-generational practice. People released from these bonds are capable of believing anything. Thus, socialism has returned at the same time as climate apocalypticism, transhuman and transgender ideology, anti-vaccination movements, Antisemitism, conspiracies, and ethnonationalism. In this climate of relativism and revisionism, where the most outlandish theories are a Google search away, both Marxism and Utopian socialism seem credible. Nothing is too absurd.

In the end, it is as it should be. No civilization has lasted as long as ours. It was only a matter of time.

I’m actually kinda glad that, at age 63, I’m on the way out.

Have a Corona Day.

Posted in Blogging, Death, General Musings, People (in general), People in general, State of the Nation | 1 Comment

Take Note of This: Handwriting is Better for Memory!

With the advent of the 2018 iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil, taking notes on my iPad has never been easier, nor more paper-like. I am a proud member of the Paperless Movement and the work of Dr. Tom Solid. His research on the various apps and accessories for paperless note-taking is absolutely superb and I urge you to check it out.

Suffice it to say, I am hooked.

This, coming from a guy who for 45 years has carried a paper planner around with him every waking hour. In the 1980s, I graduated to using the then-new Franklin Quest® line of daily planners for calendaring and note-taking. When I was living overseas and couldn’t get ahold of Franklin (now, Franklin Covey™) supplies, I would invest in nice leather bound journal books. They made and continue to make nice looking books in my library.

And therein lies the problem: For me, the act of “looking back” conveys a neat and tidy sense of history, my own personal history. I can (and regularly do) look back at “this date in history” as a means of reminding myself how far I have come (and perhaps still have to go). This is not so easy with an iPad, not only because it wasn’t around 45 years ago, but also because of storage limitations, battery life, etc. More on that in a moment.

Regardless of whether you write onto good old-fashioned paper, or into an iPad, research suggests that that hand-to-brain connection is by design the best way to remember the important things in life. While each person has her own preferred method for writing notes and to-do lists, your brain holds onto information better after you’ve written it down. That’s a pretty good incentive for going old-school with a paper journal or day planner, or new-school with an Apple iPad and a Pencil™.

Your Brain Loves Pen and Paper

Turns out that when you type on a keyboard, you use your fine motor skills in a much more limited way than when you write by hand. Using a pen and paper conveys a far deeper sensory experience than touching a keyboard. As you’re crafting each handwritten letter, more dexterity is required to write with a pen than is required by a keyboard.

And that dexterity actually affects different circuits in your brain! (see Note 1) Handwriting’s combination of motor skills, the connection of fingers to fine print, that certain “touch sensation,” along with the visual perception required to anticipate the next letter, the next space, the end of the line, and so forth, actually reinforces the natural learning process.

Simply put, your memory of handwritten words is tied to the movements required to make each letter. This might be what helps the memory of what we’ve written hang around in our brains a bit longer. Conversely, the act of keyboarding activates fewer areas of the brain. The calculus involved means that the faster we type, the faster we forget. Isn’t that odd? And isn’t it counter-intuitive?

Yes on both counts.

Think for a moment about how humans first evolved the ability to read and write. The process was highly connected to physical touch as, for thousands of years, handwriting involved chiseling symbols into rock or pressing them into clay. Our minds and bodies are primed for this kind of physical interaction with the world. Typing on a keyboard, sadly, is a far cry from our prehistoric beginnings and the process of creating the shape of each individual letter by hand.

When you write by hand, you actually give our so-called encoding processes a “leg-up” (see Note 2).  Encoding is all about sending information to your brain’s hippocampus, at which point a decision is made to either store information in long-term memory, or to let it go. If you write something by hand, all that complex sensory information increases the chances the knowledge will be stored for later. It almost as if — because it simply took so long to write — that the brain defaults to keeping it around.

That said, writing everything down onto paper (or, as we shall see, into Notability™ on your iPad) would get exhausting. Most of us, after all, are smart enough to remember a large number of things written down or not.

“Clutter is as Clutter does” (to paraphrase Forrest Gump), so I try to strike a balance between writing things down versus relying on my natural smarts. Too many lists, too many notes, and we incite a kind of existential anxiety, right? So, and to that end, I limit myself to the following:

  • First of all, and like a lot of you, I keep what I call a TooDue™ List. Lately, I have begun (with Dr. Solid’s help) keeping my TooDues on my iPad using the app, Notability. I use my Apple Pencil and enter my TooDues into a note using “check boxes” supplied by the app. I can go back and check them off when done. Talk about self-satisfying effort!  Of course, you can use paper for this, but I fear losing that particular piece of paper. On the iPad it would be rare event to lose it, given how my notes there are backed up to the cloud. Alternatively, you can use Apple’s Notes app, which has the same check-box functionality, but why use more than one app? Clutter is as Clutter does.
  • Next, I have a list of short-, near-, and long-term goals, none of which are particularly weighty but they’re important to me nonetheless. I think of them as “Life TooDues.” Same checkbox approach, but in this instance I prioritize them. Candidly, having a written list of things I want to accomplish makes them feel more real, and prioritizes them in my cranial cavity.
  • For work, within Notability, I have various “subjects” divided by category. For example, and because I am a life coach and executive mentor, I keep client notes in separate subjects and onto different individual notes by date and time of a session. Because I am also a student, so to speak, I keep class notes on yet other note pages within subjects. If I listen to a podcast or watch a show to learn something, I take notes, especially if I’m trying to learn something new. Even just writing down a few essential words and ideas can seriously improve your understanding. And, it’s a great way to ensure the information sticks.
  • A long time ago, I created a Letting Go Journal and keep it inside of Notability. This is my advice for all my clients and it puts them one step closer to a good night’s sleep. (see Note 3). The process is simple: decide what might keep you up and night and write it down. I guarantee it will be there in the morning. Better yet, 60% of the time I forgot why I was worrying about it. Therefore, stop worrying, write it into this journal, and let-it-go.
  • And, finally, like many people, I keep a diary, a journal of my thoughts. Again, they go into my iPad, but occasionally they will go into a Franklin Covey planner book too. It is the story of my life and looking back at these entries a year from now, or ten years from now, reminds me of how far I’ve come (and perhaps how little time I have left).

A Word of Caution

When you type your notes, it’s easy to include more information than you need.  Because handwriting takes longer, it forces you to think critically about what’s really worth jotting down.

This process of critical thinking can boost your memory even further. Learn to write down only what you need and then get back to the act of listening.

For My College Students

College students who take notes by hand remember the information far, far better than those who don’t. That’s because, as was mentioned above, writing by hand is always slower than typing (see Note 4).  Students who hand-write notes can’t write nearly as fast as a lecturer speaks, so they have to distill the information and make wise choices about what to write. This gives them a better working knowledge of the subject—even if they never look at their notes again. Sadly, those who type their notes might be engaging in something akin to a transcription process, rather than processing the information into their own words.

Check Your Notes

When you hand-write important notes, you often find you remember them without ever reading them again. However, another benefit of this tactic is that the information is always right there when you need it. And reading handwritten text involves more parts of your brain than reading typed text. So, rereading your notes can also boost your memory. Handwriting a few of your notes is so fast and easy, you’ve nothing to lose by giving it a try.

Paper or iPad?

Research is surely on-going, but at this point I see no difference between writing with a pencil or pen on good old paper versus writing into an iPad app using an Apple Pencil (or the Logitech Crayon®, which by the way, is a terrific alternative). The sensory faculties in use are the same and the results are just as long-lasting in terms of retention. And, so, to that end I have broken my rule of no technology in the classroom and now permit my students to use an iPad with Apple Pencil (or whatever the Android equivalent may be).

My iPad Pro (2018) model has remarkably long battery life, is linked to my iCloud account, and has yet to fail me. Handwriting on the iPad is remarkably similar to writing writing on paper (especially if you have the Paperlike screen protector) (see Note 5). It’s encrypted, so it’s safe, and by virtue of password protection is virtually useless to anyone else. I have gotten over what was the essential risk of using technology in this fashion. Therefore …

Take note of this advice: Take handwritten notes. You’re life will be much improved!

Note 1:

Note 2:

Note 3:

Note 4:

Note 5:

For years and because of my time at Microsoft, I was committed to using their Surface Pro line of tablets. They market what they call the Surface Pen with the tablet and it is ok, but not great. There is an annoying lag between when you set the pen to the screen and begin to write. Not good. The iPad Pro, on the other hand, has remarkably fast interaction between pencil and screen. I am not sure about other models of iPads, inasmuch as they use a different processor. Go with the Pro.

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Neglected Emotionally as a Child? It May have Impacted Your Ability to Self-Discipline

Many, many people struggle with self-discipline in many, many different ways and for many, many different reasons. As examples, do you struggle with:

  • Poor eating habits?
  • Over-drinking?
  • Overspending?
  • Getting yourself to exercise?
  • Wasting time?
  • Keeping a clean and organized house?
  • Making yourself do things that are boring or uninteresting?

Do you sometimes feel like you have no control over your own choices or actions in certain areas of your life? If so, rest assured that you are in the good company of countless others who feel the same way. Release the load of procrastination. You’ll feel better.

This article, originally posted by Dr. Jonice Webb, posted at Psych Central, has some good tips.

Most of those who struggle simply assume they are lazy or weak or defective in some way, but when you believe any of these things about yourself you are walking down a one-way street to nowhere.

Feeling defective makes you believe in yourself even less which makes you struggle even more. Feeling weak makes you hopeless and helpless to solve the problem, setting up an endless cycle of pain.

The reality is that almost no one who contends with self-control is doing so because they are weak or defective. Truth be told, I have often found the real cause of these problems to be Childhood Emotional Neglect or CEN.

Childhood Emotional Neglect happens when your parents fail to respond enough to your needs and feelings as they raise you.

“What could this possibly have to do with self-discipline?” you might ask. Here is the answer.

Self-discipline problems boil down to one simple mechanism that’s the foundation for it all. It’s the ability to make yourself do things you don’t want to do and to stop yourself from doing things you shouldn’t do.

We humans are not born with our “mechanism” fully functioning and developed. Instead, it is developed by our parents as they raise us.

When your mother calls you in from playing with your neighborhood friends because it’s dinnertime or bedtime, she is teaching you an important skill. She’s teaching you that some things must be done, even if you don’t feel like it.

When your dad gives you the weekly chore of cutting the grass and then follows up in a loving but firm way to make sure you do it, he’s teaching you how to make yourself do something you don’t want to do and he’s teaching you the rewards of that.

When your parents make sure you brush your teeth twice a day, when they say no to dessert, when they set aside and enforce “homework hour” every day after school because you’ve been slacking on homework, when they continue to love you but set your curfew earlier as a consequence of thoughtlessly breaking it; all of these parental actions and responses are internalized by you, the child.

All of these loving and attentive actions of your parents, when done with enough emotional scaffolding, and love — in other words, the opposite of Childhood Emotional Neglect – literally program your brain. They set up neural pathways that you can use all your life to make yourself do things you don’t want to do and stop yourself from doing what you should not do.

Now, here’s another very important thing. When all of this happens as it should in your childhood, you not only internalize the ability to make yourself do things and to stop yourself from doing things, you internalize your parents’ voices, which later, in your adulthood, become your own.

Unfortunately, the opposite of everything we just discussed is also true. If you grow up in an emotionally neglectful home and do not receive enough of this emotionally attuned structure and discipline, you will emerge into adulthood without enough of the neural pathways you need. It’s not that you have none of these neural pathways. It’s just that you do not have enough.

Is This All My Parents’ Fault?

Nope. All parents have their own personal struggles. Many grew up in emotionally neglectful homes themselves. Most parents do their best (not all, for sure)  and give their children what they have to give. But sadly, in many cases of Emotional Neglect, the parents can’t give you what they did not have themselves: emotional “tuning,” structure, and discipline.

Another side of this to consider in all of this is you.

I hope that realizing that you are not defective takes you out of that destructive loop of self-blame. I hope now that you see that your parents failed you in this way it will free you up to think in new ways. I hope that understanding the underlying mechanism of self-discipline will inspire you.

For what? For taking responsibility for this problem now. For building your own neural pathways. For change.

In the words of Jordan B. Peterson, “pick up a load.” Stop deferring. Carry your share. It will actually feel lighter than you anticipated!

It is never too late. As an adult, you can essentially re-parent yourself by rewiring your own brain. You can do it by using a remarkably simple but amazingly effective rewiring program I am sharing directly from my book Running On Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect.

The Three Things Practice for Building Your Self-Discipline

In this skill-building exercise, you will be wiring your brain with the hardware that’s essential to have in order to be able to make yourself do what you don’t want to do and vice-versa. To take full advantage of its power, you absolutely must do it every single day.

Three times, every single day, make yourself do something you don’t want to do; or stop yourself from doing something you shouldn’t do.

It’s best to choose small, doable items that do not feel overwhelming. The size of the item does not matter, it’s the act of overriding what you want that programs your brain.

Three times. Without exception. Every single day. And don’t just do them, write them down.

To help you get a feel for this, I’ll give you some examples of Three Things that have worked for others:

Examples of Things to Make Yourself Do: Face-washing, bill-paying, exercise, floor-sweeping, shoe-tying, phone-calling, dish-washing or task-starting.

Examples of Things to Stop Yourself From Doing: eating a piece of chocolate devil’s food cake, buying a pretty necklace online, having that one more drink when out with friends, or skipping class.

Try to do this program regularly. If you slip, start right back up again. If you keep at it, you’ll notice that it will become easier and easier for you to self-regulate, manage your impulses and complete unrewarding but necessary tasks. Your self-discipline will build and grow and eventually become an active, hard-wired part of who you are.

Three things. Every day. You can do it.

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Get out of the Comparison Trap!

Comparing ourselves to others is a direct path to unhappiness. Sadly, doing so is commonplace. Even people at the pinnacle of attainment do this.

There’s always someone else who makes more money, drives a fancier car, lives in a bigger house, or commands more acclaim. It is rare to find people who are satisfied with what they have, who they know, how they are living, and where they are heading, regardless of their circumstances.

Social media only makes this tendency worse because everyone else seems to be doing well all of the time. The photos seem to declare, “Here I am having splendid experiences, while you live your boring life.” We are irked by what we perceive as other people’s advantages over us, what they have that we don’t, what they can do that we can’t. Such comparisons merge into a continual drag on the spirit.

I am reminded of the “optics problem” that is the bane of the super- and nouveau- rich. They seem to think it’s OK to post pictures of themselves in private jets and fancy yachts. Don’t they realize what they are doing? They only perpetuate the myth that everyone can have what they have. Not true now. Never has been. Moreover, one would think they’d try to hide their wealth for fear of theft. For fear of jealousy. For fear of the comparison trap. For the simple moral of avoiding conspicuous consumption.

In most social contexts, our vulnerabilities remain hidden from each other while our assets are on display. Almost everyone is doing this preening and concealing. Rationally, we know that each of us has some kind of struggle, but do we really believe this? In the dark of the night, we twist and turn as our own inadequacies grow larger in our estimation, and other people’s lives seem steeped in more ease than we have ever known.

In the daily drama at my bird feeder, I watch the tiny birds fly off as soon as a bigger bird arrives. Relativity in size and strength, as well as an incessant competition for resources, are fundamental features of nature. Is our compulsion to compare ourselves to others in our bones?

Yet the tiny birds don’t seem especially perturbed when they give way; they just wait in nearby bushes and return to the feeder after the bigger birds leave. They resume pecking at the suet or gathering up the seeds, with no sign of ruminating over issues of fairness.

The discontent is ours. We can’t all be big birds, yet we use our large brains to generate ever more complex miseries for ourselves.

After we have eaten our fill, do we leave for others what we don’t need? The gleanings of our fields and orchards are not kept available for those lacking their own, as so-called “primitive” societies have always done and the birds do without thinking. In our current society, we gobble up and sequester as many resources as we can, because the drive to fend for ourselves has become ceaseless.

We have lost any notion of enough.

What’s the use of all this hoarding and pretense? We all have to die someday. Physical frailty is the great equalizer, no matter what we do.

The Buddhists remind us that all accumulation ends in dispersal. The Tenth Commandment warns us against the tumult of yearning for what others possess. I have been at the bedside of people with abundant wealth and those with nothing, and I have seen no differences in their last breaths.

“I’m not better than anyone, and no one’s better than me.” This is what one man concluded after surviving the Holocaust in Nazi Europe. The only standard he came to value was decent conduct. A keen judge of people, he had a third-grade education and never worried about status: “A professor isn’t better than a bricklayer. The bricklayer might give you a drink of water when you pass him on the road, while the professor turns his back.”

We don’t have to try to stand out or accomplish more than someone else or make it look like we have everything figured out. The trick is to notice this reflex, name it, and watch it pass through us every time it comes up.

This resembles the liberation that arises through the monastic practice of sitting in a bare, cell-like room without adornment. Leonard Cohen did this intermittently during the last decades of his life. He found serenity in relinquishing the adulation of the stage, of being an international star, and making himself into a little bird.

Something good happens when we catch ourselves doing comparisons and call a halt to it. We create an interlude of relief where we let ourselves be. The depth of the relief is instructive. From a shift in perspective, our disparagement of ourselves goes away; our gnawing insecurities relax, at least for an afternoon.

We see what flimsy stuff all this is made of—a bunch of habitual thoughts rushing in when our mood is low, and our guard is down. We can decide to summon the stance of refusal as a daily practice, actively opposing the pressures around us and getting out of the comparison trap.


Posted in Blogging, Counseling Concepts, General Musings, Positive Mental Attitude | 2 Comments

We Learnt about Dragons and Scorpions and Serpents, not because they exist, but because they can be slayed

See the source image

Fear is our salvation and our cross.

Consider this quote:

“I was raised to believe that being frightened meant being alive. Timeo, ergo sum (I fear being chocked, therefore I am). That being scared is not a frailty but a skill. That I displayed intelligence by shunning whatever displayed itself as welcoming or wild. That the scariest time-bomb in the world was me.”

Some of us were raised to seek out scary things. Not in a fun way. Not like skydiving or watching horror films. Some of us were taught to expect and detect threats in every circumstance. Anticipating every buffet, ballgame and block party, every crosswalk, cough and conversation—we were taught to wonder: What could possibly go wrong? Answer: This or that,  or him, or her.

What in this tennis court or classroom could assault, infect, humiliate, or hurt me? Where in this palace or park awaits the as-yet-unseen splinter, strangler, quicksand, cliff? Where in this sweet hello hides the veiled insult or encoded curse?

We were taught that only one certainty exists: Danger looms everywhere like drums and fish in “Find the Hidden Picture” games.

We were raised to believe that fear is the only real feeling, the only one we must trust. We were told: Other feelings are either unfounded fantasy or clever cons, like vivid feathered fishing-lures attracting trout: “Fun” and “desire” are false fronts drawing us ever closer to certain doom.

We were told twenty million times: Trust your terrified gut. Let panic be your pilot. Listen when it whispers WORRY, FREEZE. FAWN. FLEE. Obey its command: CRY.

We were told: Yes, it hurts. … but fear just wants to help you. Fear is your best friend. You say your best friend is Amanda Brown? I bet she badmouths you behind your back. I bet she calls you fat.

Fear never lies. Exaggerates sometimes, but hey. How else to get its point across?

The multiphasic process of seeking, detecting, fearing, then racing to escape real or perceived danger grows reflexive over time, creating in our brains a certain neurocircuitry unlike those in the brains of normal folks: a default warning blast and screaming siren we cannot turn off.

Just as wine-tasters have sensitive tongues, we who were raised to be afraid might have hyper-developed, hyperactive danger-signaling/emotion-processing amygdala—those tiny neural clusters deep in our temporal lobes which refuse, in our cases, to be soothed.

Studies suggest that trauma wields biochemical changes. In his book The Body Keeps the Score, PTSD specialist Bessel Van Der Kolk describes the brains of combat veterans as “rewired to be alert for emergencies, at the expense of being focused on the small details of everyday life.” The forced anxiety of our childhoods was one nonstop electric cord of traumas. Prepping constantly for traumas is traumatic.

Who or what would make us thus? What better way to wreck the lives of children than to ready them, body and soul, neither for joy nor spontaneity but only pain, panic, and flight? What kind of parent would leap out at us every five minutes shouting Boo, believing this would make us strong, safe, smart? What kind of parent would want fear to feel as intrinsic to us as bones?

Here’s who: Those who grew up afraid. Those who, as children, knew about starvation, crippling illness, bitter cold and being beaten in the street.

So who could blame those who, as children, wandered snow-slick cities stalked by strangers while their parents worked from dawn to dusk, mourning their missing—surely slaughtered—kin?

Who could blame our parents for fearing parenthood? Who could blame them for thinking, saddled with a sudden child almost against their will, that love was best expressed with warnings and alarms? That they must murmur never, “All is well” but “Cars are two-ton death machines” and “Toast is fattening” instead?

Who could blame scared parents for scaring us? For never staging auto-interventions into their own fear to stop it spreading down the family tree? Who could blame them for teaching us to cower and cringe as other kids learned to skate and sing?

Well, we could blame them. Which might solve some of our mysteries, such as Why Have I No Hobbies? and Why Am I Awake at 4 a.m.?

But beyond blame, what strategies have we? Van Der Kolk asserts that yoga and meditation can help fearful individuals like ourselves “regulate the core arousal system in the brain and feel safe” in our bodies. Can we find hope where spirituality meets biochemistry?

But remember this:

We are often learnt through the use of fairy tales in which there are dragons and scorpions and serpents; not because they exist, but because they can be slayed.

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